Privacy Policy

(Last updated on 17th June, 2023)

Your Privacy Matters to Us

We(“GRAMPUS CWC”, “us,” or “our”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We provides this privacy policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data we obtain about users of our games, websites, applications, and other services we provide.

The term “personal data(“personal information”, “information”)” may include your name, device ID, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, your game preferences, for instance. But anonymous data, which we cannot relate to you, does not qualify as “personal data”.

We process personal data only when necessary for the performance of a contract with you, for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or based on our legitimate interests, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms for which require the protection of your personal data.

Our legitimate interests are to render and improve our services in an effective, safe and harmless manner. We want to provide everyone with a fair and balanced experience when using our services. By using services that we provide, visiting our websites and downloading our games, you accept the terms of this privacy policy and the use and disclosure of your personal data as set out in this policy.

If you do not agree to our privacy policy, please do not use our services, download and do not use our websites.


1.1. Information we collect directly

We collect personal data and other information you provide directly. It is entirely your choice to provide the data we requested. However, if you provide your personal data for a specific purpose, such as creating a new account, only certain services are available for that purpose.

Account data

When you create an account, you can be asked to provide personal data that includes your email address, date of birth, member ID and gender information. In addition, the personal data collected is not limited to this.

Content data

We may collect your personal data when you use our services, such as game forums, chats, etc., or when you provide feedback about our services. This data includes.

(a) Personal data sent through the "game chat" feature in the game.

(b) Personal data that you post or comment in any of the game-related forums, websites owned or operated by GRAMPUS CWC, on the pages of social network groups operated by GRAMPUS CWC.(/p)

(c) Information you provide when you request information or support from us or purchase a product or service from us, including information necessary to process your orders with the relevant payment merchant, which may include the amount of any transaction, but will not include your financial information, which will only be submitted directly to the payment merchant under secure protocols.

(d) Information excepting the account data you provide to us when participating in tournaments, contests, at online events, or responding to surveys, e.g. your phone number or address.

(e) Your digital wallet ID and address, user key, user tag, and birthdate, if you use our blockchain services.

1.2 Information we collect indirectly

We indirectly collect personal data and other information through interactions when you use our games, websites, and other services.

This information may include, but is not limited to, device information(device ID, OS, OS version, Unique identifier assigned to you or your device, including player ID and advertising ID, language and country settings), connection record(IP address, connection IP, login time and dates), PC specification, cookie, anonymized browser, data collected through automated electronic interactions, application usage data, statistical and aggregated information.

Statistical or aggregated information does not identify a specific person directly, but it could be derived from both personal data and information. We can aggregate personal data to calculate the percentage of users who use our games in a particular country, for example. If other information is combined with personal data, we will identify and process the combined information as personal data.

Game-related information

We may need to collect, store and use various information about your activity in our games in order to provide you with efficient services.

This, game-related information, includes your in-game identifier, which for most of our games is known as account ID or email address, as well as what is usually referred to as game statistics.

By game statistics, we mean information about your preferences or progress in the games, participation and performance in clans, and frequency of playing.

Device information

While you are installing our games and using our game services, we collect, store and treat information about the device you are using, including what type of device it is, what kind of hardware and operating system you are using, unique device identifiers, android ID, IP address, connection IP, PC specification and crash data, in order to fix crashes and other technical issues that may arise. Whether we collect some or all of this information often depends on what type of device you are using.

Information required for fraud and violations detection

We may also collect certain data such as IP address, username that could be required for investigation and prevention of cheating in the game and EULA violations.

This data, being used only for the purposes of investigation and prevention of frauds and cheating in the game will be deleted 1 year after its collection, unless the data can be used to prove that cheating has occurred. If the data can be used to prove that cheating or another fraud or EULA violation has occurred, we will store the data longer than 1 year for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims during the applicable period of filing a complaint.

The specific data stored for this purpose may not be disclosed to both you and any third parties, because the disclosure will compromise the mechanism through which we detect, investigate and prevent frauds and cheating in the game, as well as other EULA violations.

Information from our partners

We may use the information made publicly available in Facebook or YouTube to find out your opinion about our games or services.

This, collecting such data, could be carried by GRAMPUS CWC independently, or can be carried by our marketing partners making analysis of public sentiments on various issues.

Information from publicly available online resources

In some cases, we could receive your personal data as a data processor, which means that your personal data is controlled by our partners and we only use it in accordance with their instructions and applicable laws. We will use this data to fulfill obligations under EULA, improve services, or comply with legal obligations.

Payment partners. We may receive a part of your credit card number, information about your credit card issuer from our payment partners when you purchase online and mobile game items, virtual cashes with your credit card.

Platforms. We also receive and use your information through other platforms such as Google Play, PlayStation4, Xbox, Steam, etc. so that you can play our games through these platforms. When using blockchain services, we may also receive information from our partners regarding your membership in ISKRA or your digital wallet.

Social networks. We have registered certain games-related group accounts and pages at Kakao, Facebook, Naver, Line and other social networks to do better communication with our game players. So, we may get information relating to your profiles on social networking sites. e.g., character name, and date of birth.


We need to process your personal data to perform the contract with you. We will use your personal data, unless otherwise prohibited by law, for the following purposes:

(a) To allow your installation of our games, provide the services, verify and confirm your payments.

(b) To check your account or communicate with you about transactions and send you information about features on our websites or changes to our policies.

(c) To provide game update information, game patches and fixes and other similar communications.

(d) To send you gifts and awards, to which you may be entitled as a result of winning an online or offline competition, etc.

2.1. Communication purposes

We will use your personal data for our legitimate interests and to advertise our products and services in accordance with this policy. Once you create an account we may use your email address, nickname, IP address, connection IP, country settings in order to send you personalized marketing emails, messages, targeted in-game offers about our games.

2.2. In-game offers

We will send you in-game offers that are useful to you by using game-related information we collected.

2.3. Services improvement purposes

We will analyze your personal data to find out how to improve our game services to make them more suitable and interesting for you and other players. Also we may ask you to respond to our services-related questionnaires, and you always have the choice about whether to respond to them and which information you will provide.

2.4. Fraud and EULA violations detection

We may use your personal data required for investigation and prevention of cheating in our game and violations of EULA or policies for the purposes of investigation and prevention.


We may share your personal data for the performance of the contract with you, the compliance with a legal obligation or our legitimate interests with the following categories of third parties.

3.1. Payment partners

We may share your date of birth, email address, IP address or information about in-game purchases requested by you on GRAMPUS CWC's websites, and other information you provide to us for the purpose of fulfilling your purchase or withdrawal requests.

3.2. Data storage partners

We may store your personal data using third-party data storage services such as Google Cloud Platform(GCP), Amazon Web Services(AWS).

3.3. Research partners

We may provide access to some of your data, such as game statistics, to provide marketing-related and other research. We also may share anonymous data with our partners unless your personal data is necessary for the requested services or research.

3.4. Customer service partners

We may share your personal data with third parties to provide you with customer services and support effectively. Such partners may get access to your personal data only for the purposes mentioned above. For more information about these partners, please contact us.

3.5. Publicly available information

Our websites may have bulletin boards, forums where users can exchange ideas and communicate with each other. When you post a message to a board, forum, please be aware that your message and the information about you are being made publicly available on-line. Therefore, please do not include any data in your nickname that will personally identify you.

3.6. Sharing anonymous information

We may share anonymous data, which does not directly or indirectly disclose your identity, and aggregated information such as game statistics, categories of users which does not identify and that cannot be used to identify any individual user with our advertising partners. We may also allow our advertisers to collect and aggregate anonymous data about our services and they may share the information with us. They may also collect this information through the use of tracking technologies like cookies and web beacons. This enables to develop and deliver targeted advertising in our services and on the websites of third parties, so that they can try to serve you with advertisements for products and services that are most likely to be of interest to you.


Generally we will delete your personal data after you request your account deletion and the grace period of 30 calendar days, during which we can restore your account, expires. However, considering the complexity and number of requests, it can be extended for another one month sometimes.

When we no longer need to keep your personal data, we will delete it from our data processing server.

We will also delete your personal data immediately after a request to unsubscribe for the purposes of resolving unwanted customer complaints or disputes. But sometimes it may take longer than 15 days depending on the individual operational policy of the game you play.


Generally we will delete your personal data after you request your account deletion and the grace period of 30 calendar days, during which we can restore your account, expires. However, considering the complexity and number of requests, it can be extended for another one month sometimes.

Not only GRAMPUS CWC but also third parties that provide advertising, content or other functionality on the services, may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to automatically collect information through the services.

Cookies. Cookies are essentially small data files placed on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or other devices that allow us to record certain pieces of information whenever you visit our websites or interact with our services. Most browsers allow you to block and delete cookies. You can refuse all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved or permit all cookies by going to [Tools]>[Internet option]>[Security]>[Custom setting], or by using the settings or options function on mobile devices. However if you do that, some of our services may not work properly.

Web beacons. Web beacon is a piece of code embedded on our services that collects information about your engagement on that web page. The use of a pixel allows us to record, for example, that you have visited a particular web page or clicked on a particular advertisement. We may also include web beacons in e-mails to understand whether messages have been opened, acted on, or forwarded.

Mobile device identifiers. We may share the advertising identifier associated with your mobile device or tablet. We use the Apple IDFA only as permitted by Apple, and we use the Google Advertising ID only as permitted by Google. An advertising identifier is assigned, and ad tracking is turned on, by default on your mobile device. You may limit the use of or reset your advertising device ID using the privacy settings on your mobile device. In some cases, you may need to reset the operating system to reset the advertising device ID

Google analytics. We may also use Google Analytics to collect information regarding your behaviors to get demographics of our services. For more information about Google please visit You can opt out of Google’s collection and processing of data generated by your use of the services by going to

Do Not Track. Your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to online services you visit. Note, however, there is no industry consensus as to what website and app operators should do with regard to these signals. Accordingly, we do not monitor or take action with respect to “Do Not Track” signals or other mechanisms. For more information on “Do Not Track,” visit

The use of these technologies falls into the following categories;

(a) Related to performance. We may use technologies to collect information about how our services are performing. We may use the information to compile reports and to help make improvements to our services.

(b) Related to functionality. We may use technologies that allow us to offer you enhanced functionality when accessing or using our services. This may include identifying you when you sign into our services or keeping track of your specified preferences, interests, or past items viewed;

(c) Related to research. We may use technologies to collect information about how you use our services, including the total number of users that use our services and the types of devices they use; and

(d) Related to advertising. We may use technologies to deliver content, customize the advertising relevant to your interests in our services or websites.


We understand your demand for privacy, and are actively committed to safeguarding your personal data. We also take steps to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. Taking into account state-of-the art technology; costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the likelihood of varying risks and significance of rights and freedoms of natural persons, we have implemented appropriate organizational, technical and physical measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk in accordance with applicable laws.


We fully know that we have a special obligation to protect children’s information. Our games are intended for persons aged over 16 in EU, or aged over 13 in U.S., otherwise defined in your country of residence or older than such applicable age.

Children in Europe. If you are a child under 16 in Europe, you may use our services only to the extent that consent is given by your parent or legal guardian. Please speak with your parent or legal guardian about this privacy policy so you can understand better how we use your personal data.

We make reasonable efforts to verify that consent is given by your parent or legal guardian and if we collected personal data from you without their consent, we will delete it immediately.

California minors. We do not collect personal data of minors under 16 who are residents of California without their affirmative authorization, or the affirmative authorization of their parent or legal guardian for minors under 13.

If you are a parent or legal guardian and find out that your child under these age restrictions has provided personal data to us, you may contact us using the contact details at the bottom of this privacy policy and request that we immediately delete your child's personal data and account.


Information we collect may be transferred to countries outside your home country for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. You have to understand that these countries, including Korea, Japan, and the United States, may not provide the same level of data privacy protection as the European Union/European Economic Area or your home country, and you hereby expressly consent to the transfer of your personal information to these countries for processing in accordance with this privacy policy. These transfers are essential to the provision of our services and performance of the Terms of Service and End User License Agreement.


9.1. General rights

You have the right to access certain personal data held about you and correct any inaccuracies. Please note that some of these rights may be connected to certain statutory preconditions and thus, might not be applicable to you and your specific situation. If you would like to exercise any of the rights listed below, please contact us at

If you wish to manage the information we receive about you from a third-party application or platform where you play our Games, such as ISKRA, Facebook, Apple or Google, please follow the third-party application’s instructions for updating your information and changing your privacy settings.

Right of access

You may have the right to confirm that we are processing and gain access to your personal data. Should you have any questions regarding the processing, or would you like to have more insight in your personal data that we process, you are always welcome to contact us, and we will provide you with further information.

Right to rectification

You may have the right to request that we correct data that we have inaccurately stored. You may also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

Right to be forgotten

You may have the right to request from us to permanently delete your personal data. You can make such a request if you, for example, believe that the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which the personal data were collected or otherwise processed.

Right to restrict the processing activities

You may have the right to restrict our processing activities. If you choose to restrict our processing activities as relates to providing our services, you might not be able to use them.

Right to data portability.

You may have the right to request from us that we send your personal data to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and transmit your personal data to another controller.

Right to object

You may have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. If you choose to object to our processing activities, you might not be able to use all of our services.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you are unsatisfied with the way we treat your personal data, you may reach out to us at all times to solve the issue. Also you always have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Right to withdraw consent

Where our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you may have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

9.2. Your choices

You may at any time indicate that you wish us to stop processing your personal data. You may also "opt out" of receiving materials described in this privacy policy from us or our commissioned data processors at any time. The materials we send you will always indicate that such materials are from us and will provide you with a method of "opting out" of receiving future materials of a similar way. If you do not “opt out” of receiving such materials, this will signify your consent to using your personal data to continue to provide you with such materials and otherwise share your personal data with or transferring it to our commissioned data processors who provide services that we believe may be of interest to you. If you decide to "opt-out" of GRAMPUS CWC providing your personal data to our commissioned data processors at any time, please contact us immediately at


We may change this privacy policy regularly because of a variety of reasons, such as changes in laws and regulations, changes in service and business environment and technical issues.


If you have any comments, questions, or complaints regarding our privacy policy and practices, you can contact us using the following contact details.

- Email: